Monday, April 12


One of the various challenges that comes with the dual Bachelor of Business/Fine Arts (Fashion) is the constant switching between left and right sides of the brain... Sometimes it's difficult to see the merit of clipping magazine images compared to writing a business proposal, or how investigating statistics of the macadamia industry in Venezuela (seriously) will help launch your label. But by far the trickiest part is manoeuvring yourself and managing limited time amongst four seemingly unrelated subjects - ALL of which are demanding MASSIVE pieces of assessment within the SAME TWO WEEKS! Argh!

However, the other day when I flipping through the enthralling pages of my Data Analysis textbook ("Business Statistics"...pick it up if you need a good sedative) I found myself applying many of the exercises to my favourite thing...
And I'm going to share it with you.

I've been having a bit of trouble choosing my favourite bits and pieces which will eventually become THE COLLECTION. How do you select your best bits? It's a "Sophie's Choice" situation (aha! See at what I did there?) What if there's too many dresses, not enough skirts? And I only get 6-8 outfits to represent my EVERYTHING! And that's where the contingency tables I've been learning to do in Data Analysis comes in! I had a look at four of my favourite local labels who presented at the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival, and jotted down the styling choices they made for their Autumn/Winter collections... I focused particularly on labels that had to condense their entire collections into one or two dozen looks (thus being relevant to my collection of six to eight outfits). This will hopefully help select from all my designs a well-rounded, harmonious, edit collection.

See? Maths and tables and things ARE exciting..!
P.S The image sources are all linked, and I put together the animations

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahah oh sophie this is amazing!!