Friday, October 30

India Art Summit - Delhi, India

Was lucky to chance upon the India Art Summit in Delhi (thanks for the tip Harper’s Bazaar India!) The Summit showcased the very best of Indian art from a multitude of galleries joining through the beauty of collaboration.

I snapped a few snaps in the hope that I'd stumble upon a fantastic concept... and while I'm still not sure, at least now I have some amazing works to share with you

Sunil Gawde

Thukral & Tagra

Dominus Aeris - mirage 11


Tanujaa Rane

Red Of My Being


Laxma Gaud

Raghava K K

We paused the art-gazing momentarily to have a bit of a play in the public interactive section...

...where they asked gallery-goers to describe their dream museum.

They were some truly lovely responses

Thursday, October 29

“A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension...”

When I was six years old I kept my innermost thoughts scribbled in my “Beauty and the Beast” diary (complete with lock and key). My deepest, darkest secrets weren’t terribly scandalous; boys I thought were less repulsive than others, mean things schoolyard bullies had said, a rough budget for a Sega Megadrive…

The time has come to – once again – get writing, but for this occasion novelty Disney paper just ain’t gonna cut it!

I’d like to welcome you to my blog. Here I’ll report the goings-on of a fashion student while she (warning: awful pun) fabricates her very first collection. I truly hope you enjoy reading about the inspirations, affairs and ponderings that happen along the way…

CURRENTLY: Sitting on my rooftop in Delhi, reading the Final Year Project brief... with the see-sawing feelings of excitement and FREAKOUT